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Monday 19 March 2018

MLM Leaders and Distributors in Africa Wanted! Act Now

The Fastest Growing Company in Network Marketing History,
and World's 15th Largest MLM Company, Expanding in Africa!

Everyone I Enroll in Africa/Globally Goes Below You!
Plus, Earn a Guaranteed Income Your First 6 Months!*

Hi! This is Ken "the MLM Professor" Stewart! You may have seen me in various MLM publications or on leading industry related websites like Business For Home (www.businessforhome.org)!

I've been in the MLM/network marketing industry for over 35 years, and together with my best friend, in our previous 3 companies we built combined teams of more than 1 million distributors, our groups generated over $2 billion USD in sales, and we earned over $20 million U.S.D., placing us on the list of the MLM industry's top earners!

In addition, I helped to pioneer the binary pay plan concept back in the early 1990's, and, in 2014, I was honored by my industry peers with induction into the Academy of MLM, which is comprised of network marketing's top experts and most successful distributors.

Although from the U.S., I've been based out of Nairobi, Kenya for the past 7 years, and after reviewing a number of companies and opportunities, I've recently decided to join forces with the fastest growing company in MLM history, and now the 15th largest network marketing company in the world after just 7 years in business!

Someone on my team who knows you, or whom you have met, either offline or online, is now introducing you to this unique opportunity, so take the time to review the information below and then fill out the form at the bottom of the page to tour a specially designed website and online system I've designed for our team members to use, absolutely FREE! Everything you need to know about the company, its products, its lucrative pay plan, and more can be found on the website!

Once you've reviewed the website and information, be sure to lock in one of the top spots in one of the 2 teams of the person who has referred you!

After all, when it comes to success in network marketing, timing and positioning is everything! And you couldn't be joining at a better time! Here's why!

Record Breaking Company Hits $1 Billion USD in Its 6th Year,
Making It the Fastest Growing Company in MLM History!

Launched in late 2009, this U.S. based, international company has achieved historic, unprecedented growth, with sales in 2015, its 6th year in business, topping $1 billion USD, a feat never accomplished that quickly before by any network marketing company!

In 2016, they generated $1.4 billion USD in sales, ranking it the 15th largest MLM company in the world based on yearly sales after just 7 years in business, and culminating in their being named "2016 Company of the Year" at the prestigious 2016 American Business Awards!

In fact, over the past several years, this company has garnered more than 200 major industry awards, more than any other company!

Most exciting, this global pioneer in the fields of anti-aging, skin care, health and wellness, and weight management is now expanding throughout Africa with its award-winning line of unique and exclusive products developed by some of the world's leading doctors in their field, with several products based on Nobel Prize winning research!

Global Giant Now Expanding Throughout Africa!
Top Expansion Team Spots Available! Act Now

Imagine having the opportunity to pioneer the expansion and growth of a billion dollar, global giant throughout numerous African countries such as Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and more! Now you can!

And the best part is there are 6 different ways to make money, and you can get paid weekly!

Earn Up to $26,250 USD in Weekly 2 Team Commissions,
7 Levels of Matching Bonuses, Win FREE Trips, and More!
We've created the MLM industry's ultimate compensation plan, one where you can earn up to $26,250 USD in weekly 2 team commissions in our 1/3-2/3 binary pay plan (other companies such as AIM Global limit you to as little as $3,696 a week in binary commissions on a position, so we pay 7 times MORE MONEY in the binary!), get paid up to 7 levels of check matching bonuses (earn 20-30% on the weekly 2 team check earned by those you personally enroll, 15% on your 2nd level people, 10% on your 3rd level people, and 5% on levels 4 thru 7), qualify to win FREE trips each year to exotic locations, participate in global bonus pools, earn first order/fast start bonuses, and more!

Most impressive, although just 7 years old, a number of this company's top distributors are on the industry's top 200 biggest earners list, with this rapidly growing, 7 year old, international company having as many or more people on the top earners list than MLM companies that have been in business for 25-30-40-50 years or more!
Whether you'd like to make a few extra hundred dollars a month in your spare time to help pay bills, make a career change and create a full-time income, or perhaps earn a lucrative six or seven figure yearly income of up to $1 million USD a year or more, you can achieve it, as people just like you from all over the world are making their dreams come true!
Amazing Offer!
Everyone I Enroll Goes Below You! Plus,
Earn a Guaranteed Income Your First 6 Months!*
I'm building an Africa powerleg, and have key African expansion team, powerleg spots available! Once you're positioned, everyone I enroll in Africa and globally goes below you, providing you with the ability to leverage off their efforts in order to create a bigger income faster and easier!

Someone who becomes a future superstar and top earner could be signing up in the next few minutes, the next few hours, or in the next few days, and by joining now, before they do, they would end up below you, eventually putting you halfway home to a large weekly and monthly income, as you get to count the sales of the 2 teams they build towards your income, so act now!

Most importantly, if you're a leader in Africa with a proven track record of success in network marketing, we can create a special leader's performance package that can provide you, and key leaders you designate, with a guaranteed income your first 6 months, based on meeting certain criteria!*

This provides peace of mind to you, and those key leaders, while you transition to our company, and enables you and those leaders to focus on building a successful organization without concerns over any income you and/or they might be losing by leaving your current company!

If you're new or fairly new to the MLM industry, it's imperative that you join the right company, and at the right time, promote the right type of products, work the right type of pay plan, and that you join a team led by knowledgeable and experienced leaders in order to increase your chances for success and position yourself to earn the biggest income possible!

And if you have extensive network marketing experience and are a proven leader, this is the last company you'll ever need to join!

When it comes to success in network marketing, timing and positioning is everything! You're in the right place, at the right time, perhaps for the first and only time in your life, so take action NOW!
Special Bonus!
Receive a FREE Online Business Building/Recruiting System!

When you fill out the form below and click the submit button, you'll be redirected to an informative website and powerful online business building system that we've designed for our team members to use, absolutely FREE

You'll learn about this company and its history, its unique and exclusive, doctor developed products for anti-aging, skin care, health and wellness, and weight management, its lucrative 1/3-2/3 binary pay plan, and more!

Most importantly, this online system features a number of different landing pages (referral links) that you can use to build your business, both online and offline, and once prospects of yours fill out the form on one of your landing pages, our automated system takes over, doing all the presenting and selling for you! You simply need to follow up with an email or phone call and get them enrolled!

We make it fun, simple, and easy for you to succeed, but you must act now, as every second, every minute, every hour that goes by, you risk losing a key spot because someone took immediate action and you didn't, and they ended up in the spot you could have had, thus having some people placed below them that could have been below you, one of whom could be one of the next superstars and top earners, a person that could have put you halfway home to a large weekly and monthly income!

Note: When you fill out the form below, you'll be asked to pick a username. This username will appear in your referral links, so pick something good and type it all as one word! 

Example: You like "make money now" -then you would type makemoneynow in the username box, all as one word. If it is not taken, it's yours! If you pick a username already in use, then you'll receive an error message and need to pick a different username.

You can change your username later if you'd like in the back office of the FREE website and online system you receive when you fill out the form. 

Also, be sure to provide a valid email address as you will receive a confirmation message with important information related to use of the website and online system, as well as follow up emails and emails notifying you when someone fills out a form on one of your landing pages!

Once you click submit, wait a few seconds, as you will automatically be redirected to the website and online system where you can learn more about the company, its products, its pay plan, and more!

You're just seconds away from discovering the opportunity of a lifetime! Take action now and fill out the form below! Link to form:         http://www.buildingyourwealth.thebestmlmforafrica.com/

*Incomes mentioned are not typical and were created over a period of several years . This is not a get rich quick program - this is a business!We make no claims or guarantees of income as that would be illegal!Avoid any company or distributor that makes such promises or claims!Your income, if any, will be based on your individual efforts and a variety of other factors . 

Referred By:

Pick a User Name For Your Free Website / Online System
(Your username will appear in the website link you give people)

Pick a Password to Access Your Free Website / Online System:

Link to form: http://www.buildingyourwealth.thebestmlmforafrica.com/

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