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Monday 19 March 2018

Do You Usually Fail to Cash In Big on Hot Opportunities? This Time You’ve Got a Major Advantage With 2 Create Income!

March 16, 2018
by The African Sun Times
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Do You Usually Fail to Cash In Big on Hot Opportunities? This Time You’ve Got a Major Advantage With 2 Create Income!

You’ll Be the Envy of Family and Friends When They See You Earning Big Weekly Checks and Living the Life of Your Dreams!

Once every decade a marketing giant emerges, and this decade one company stands to be that giant: Jeunesse Global!

Founded in September of 2009 by network marketing industry veterans Wendy Lewis, named by Direct Selling News as one of the industry’s most influential women, and Randy Ray, recently named C.E.O. of the Year at the 2016 American Business Awards, Jeunesse Global is headquartered in Heathrow, Florida, a suburb of Orlando, with offices in 32 countries around the world.

Considered a global leader in anti-aging, skin care, weight management, and health and wellness, Jeunesse Global operates in more than 121 countries, ships products to upwards of 200 countries and territories on 6 continents, and has top distributors earning up to $100,000 U.S.D. a month and more, with a number of them featured on the industry’s top 200 biggest earners list!*

Most impressive, Jeunesse Global has officially become the network marketing industry’s fastest growing company in history, having achieved over $1 billion in sales in 2015, just its 6th year in business, something no other direct selling company has ever achieved so quickly!

Due to their impressive growth over its first 6 years, Jeunesse Global was named Company of the Year at the 2016 American Business Awards in the consumer products category, and was the only network marketing company featured on the 2016 Inc. magazine list of 500 fastest growing, privately owned companies in the U.S!

More importantly, now is the perfect time to make your move, get positioned, and put a large organization in place, especially if you happen to live in India, which we officially open in April 2017, or China, which we expand into in 2017, two of the largest and most lucrative markets in the world!

Timing and Positioning is Everything!

You are likely to never again be in this position as most companies never experience the rapid growth and hyper-growth that Jeunesse Global has generated in its first 6 years in business! Over the past 50 years, more than 50,000 opportunities have come down the pike, and less than 150 have ever achieved $100 million or more in yearly sales! That’s less than 1/3 of 1%, which means that 99 and 2/3% of all the companies that have ever started have NEVER achieved $100 million or more in yearly sales, let alone $1 billion or more in yearly sales!

In fact, out of the 3,000-5,000 direct selling and network marketing companies currently operating today, there are only around 20 companies doing $1 billion or more in yearly sales. Jeunesse Global is one of those rare companies to have achieved the magic $1 billion or more in yearly sales barrier!

More importantly, based on the company’s growth curve, and the opening in the near future of some of the largest and most lucrative markets in the world such as India, Jeunesse Global is likely to be doing several billion dollars a year in sales within the next few years! How you really create big monthly incomes and long term fortunes is you catch a company at the right time and you ride the wave of the company’s growth and momentum! You have such an opportunity right now with Jeunesse Global.

So, seize the moment and strike while the iron is hot! It is possible to accomplish everything you ever wanted, but first, you must accept that you will need to change your methods and your mindset and embark on a radically different path using the life changing information and moneymaking secrets found on this website!

Jeunesse Global and 2 Create Income Position You to
Profit From the Biggest Transfer of Wealth in History!

Jeunesse Global and 2 Create Income position you to capitalize on the Internet revolution, the growth of Social Media, the Health, Wellness, and Anti-aging revolution, the Home Based Business revolution, and the explosive growth of the Network Marketing industry, 5 extraordinary trends that are converging at the same moment in time to create what experts predict will be the #1 moneymaking opportunity of the new millennium!

It’s never happened before. It will never happen again. It’s happening only once-right now, presenting you with perhaps your one and only shot at achieving financial freedom!

Work With 4 Legendary Million Dollar Earners and Learn Their Top Moneymaking Secrets!

Most exciting, you’ll be joining Jeunesse Global’s #1 international team, which is led by 4 world renowned MLM industry legends and top home based business experts Clay ‘CJ’ Jackson, Ken “the MLM Professor” Stewart, Stefanie Nichols, and Steve Green.

These 4 dynamic individuals have more than 120 years of combined experience in the network marketing (MLM) industry, and in 3 programs prior to Jeunesse Global, built combined teams of almost 1 million distributors, their groups generated around $2 billion sales, numerous people on their teams earned up to $1 million a year and more, and they earned a combined $20 million! (All dollar figures shown are U.S. dollars)*

During their careers, Clay has been featured on the industry’s list of the top 200 earners in the world in network marketing industry, and Ken was recently inducted into the Academy of MLM, only 1 of several hundred people in the industry to receive that honor!

Most exciting, you’ll have the chance to rub shoulders with them and receive FREE coaching and mentoring from these 4 legendary MLM industry leaders! Imagine being able to have a front row seat at their exciting and information packed training seminars, training events, and webinars where you’ll discover first hand their top moneymaking secrets and key insights into building a profitable home based business, developing large, successful organizations, and creating extraordinary weekly and monthly incomes!*

JOIN NOW: https://www.2createincome.com

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