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Tuesday 11 October 2016

SA News

Doctor Khumalo Youth Upliftment Through Sports

Doctor Khumalo Youth Logo-1
DOCTOR KHUMALO YOUTH UPLIFTMENT ACADEMY will recruit and train players from disadvantaged backgrounds but also develop the players other skills through education and a variety of training and community initiatives. The provision of proper resources for children to play is essential in creating opportunities for children’s holistic development. Coupled with training programmes for educators and community members who help to teach and support the development of children through play, we can immediately start to minimize the vulnerability of children.
Providing the basis of sports for development, and examining how the introduction of extensive community development in the rural and previously disadvantage communities can positively affect the development of sports, and help establish more poverty alleviation programs. Examine how the introduction of sports development and awareness, preservation and education and established partnerships amongst; communities, NGO’s, Government, Schools, Traditional Leaders, Businesses, Institutions and Individual on grassroots level, can bring sustainability to platforms for information sharing, exchange programs, ongoing youth development projects and partnership campaigns, can assist in the sustainable community and economic development for our continent Africa through the development of sports.
OUR MAIN OBJECTIVE is to use sport as a vehicle for the development of social skills, academic support, building self-esteem and a sense of teaming amongst high school learners from marginalised communities in South Africa.
Sports development officers aim to provide opportunities for participation in sport for all sections of the community. They distribute information and organise sport-related projects, classes, programmes, coaching, club development and training. They target those who want to take part for fun as well as those who are interested in competing at all levels, from local to national and international.
For more information you contact  MARKETING MANAGER / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT
Lisa Viola - +27 84 571 7141  OR e-mail: lisa@healingafricafoundation.org

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