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Thursday 15 October 2015

Is Your Business Winking in the Dark?

Never Waste Resources on Advertising Again

The great question when it comes to Advertising is it's effectiveness. Too many companies waste their resources on Advertising without knowing how well it's working, if they are hitting their niche and bringing in the right customers. In Brad’s latest webinar, Real Money Advertising, you’ll find everything you need to create killer ads that won’t break you budget but will bring new, ready-to-buy customers to your company.

A business without advertising is like a man winking at a woman in the dark. Sure, he’s doing it, but nobody knows he is. If that sounds like your business, you need this webinar desperately. Your business can never be as strong and profitable as you’d like it to be without Advertising.

Yes, spreading your message can be expensive and, if done improperly, can cost you a lot of money and maybe even your business. In Brad’s next live webinar,Real Money Advertising, he will show you how to get your message across to your niche market while keeping your resources in check so you can build an army of customers who do business with you for a long time... and for the right reasons...

Most people believe that for ads to be effective they have to be funny, well-written or visually dramatic. The truth is, the very best ads work because of the strategy behind them, strategy that Brad is ready to teach you on his next webinar...Real Money Advertising

Register by clicking here...

In this webinar, you’ll gain the knowledge to:
• Design, write and create ads for optimum buy appeal
• Uncover low-cost ways to advertise on radio, tv and the internet
• Communicate effectively to different customer niches
• Create a buzz that will keep consumers talking and buying

And by attending this webinar, you’ll receive these four gifts…
  1. A FREE Business Health Check for your business…
  2. Three of our most popular ebooks - Six Mistakes to Avoid Using Social Media, Five Mistakes In Team Building, Four Biggest Mistakes Generating Leads…
  3. 10 FREE Days of Brad’s “Business Basics” Videos…
  4. A subscription to the ActionSTEPS newsletter, the company newsletter for the world’s number one business coaching company, ActionCOACH, full of information you can use to create a profitable, commercial enterprise that works… without you…
Don't delay...

Be sure to register right now… Space on these webinars is limited and you don’t want to get shut out…
All the Best,

The Team at Brad Sugars Profit Masters