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Thursday 6 April 2017

Friday, April 7 March is a Trap. It's White propaganda. Middle class nonsense

Why do you wanna March?

Why don't you march when innocent children get killed daily in the coloured townships or when your boss fires people at your work unjustly.... 

Why don't you March because white people at your work get paid 6 times more for the same job and you taught them when they first came to work at your company..... 

Now you wanna march for what? 

You must be sick!

Why don't you march for your relative that is struggling financially and give them some groceries and financial support but Jy wil March????? 

This March is a Trap. It's White propaganda...... Middle class nonsense......

Your March is gonna disenfranchise the poor tomorrow. It's not gonna pay you tomorrow.... 

Because the boss is gonna say come fetch your pay Monday and family has to go hungry this weekend........

By Emmanual Plachez from Cape Town

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