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Tuesday 11 April 2017

The Citizen

National 20.3.2017 10:50 am

14-year-old boy paralysed by school principal has died

Choma in hospital.
Choma in hospital.

The boy had allegedly stolen R150. The family now wants R25m in damages from the state.

A 14-year-old boy from Mhluzi township in Middelburg, Mpumalanga, Sphamandla Choma, who was paralysed after allegedly being assaulted by his school principal for stealing R150 has died, Mpumalanga News reports.

MEC for education Reginah Mhaule recently paid a courtesy visit to the family of the learner after he was beaten by his school principal.

“I have received a preliminary report from the school, but there is a need to strengthen the report so that there are no loopholes in it. We have instituted an independent body from other districts to investigate the matter further,” said Mhaule recently.

Last week, Choma’s family, through their lawyer, lodged a R25 million lawsuit against the department of education in Mpumalanga.

Caxton News Service

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