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Tuesday 4 October 2016

Cogta News


Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG)

Posted in Programmes
The MIG aims to eradicate municipal infrastructure backlogs in poor communities to ensure the provision of basic services such as water, sanitation, roads and community lighting. 
The Department of Cooperative Governance is responsible for managing and transferring the MIG and provides support to provinces and municipalities on implementing MIG projects.

Cogta News

Core elements of the IUDF

The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF)

Posted in Programmes
The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) is a policy initiative of the Government of South Africa, coordinated by the Department Of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs(COGTA).  
The IUDF seeks to foster a shared understanding across government and society about how best to manage urbanisation and achieve the goals of economic development, job creation and improved living conditions for our people
COGTA’s vision is to build a functional and developmental local government system that delivers on its Constitutional and legislative mandates within a system of cooperative governance.

Cogta News


Back to Basics

Posted in Programmes
On Thursday, 18 September 2014, President Jacob Zuma and the Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Pravin Gordhan hosted a Presidential Local Government Summit.
The summit included key local government and private sector leaders who adopted the Back to Basics approach as an urgent action plan to strengthen local government by getting the basics right.
             The Context for the Back to Basics Concept and Approach
  • The White Paper on Local Government and the Municipal Structures Act, provided that district municipalities should fulfil the following developmental mandates:
  • Ensuring integrated development planning for the district as a whole;
  • Providing district-wide bulk infrastructural development and services;
  • Building capacity of local municipalities in its area to perform their functions and exercise their powers, where such capacity is lacking;
  • Promoting equitable distribution of resources between local municipalities in its area to ensure appropriate levels of municipal service within the area
  • Developmental local government remains the visionary foundation for the continuing reconstruction and development of our country. The Local Government White Paper developed a vision of local government as a key component of the developmental state.
  • In pursuit of that vision, basic services, social services, and civil and political rights, including participatory governance, have been progressively extended to more citizens than ever before.
  • It is recognized however, that despite our delivery achievements, much still needs to be done to improve the performance of local government.COGTA Initiated Back to Basics by:
  • Conducting a desk top assessment of municipalities in all nine provinces;
  • By verifying the findings with provinces;
  • By presenting this state of LG to PCC, MinMec; and a launch in Presidential LG Summit;
  • By developing 3 categories of municipal performance to initiate focused action.From the assessment it was determined that a third of the municipalities are getting the basics right and functioning well; a third are fairly functional with average performance, and room for improvement; and the final third are dysfunctional. The assessment was conducted using the following functional factors:
  • Political stability
  • Governance
  • Service delivery
  • Financial Management
  • Institutional management
  • Community satisfactionThe Five Pillars of the Back to Basics Campaign are:
  1. Putting people and their concerns first;
  2. Supporting the delivery of municipal services to the right quality and standard;
  3. Promoting good governance, transparency and accountability;
  4. Ensuring sound financial management and accounting; and
  5. Building institutional resilience and administrative capability.
You can access related documents by visiting the Back to Basics website

In our efforts to recognise and adequately reward good performance and ensure sufficient consequences for under-performance, the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) has developed a set of indicators to be reported on monthly as per the pillars of the Back to Basics approach.
These indicators will measure whether municipalities are performing in terms of the five ‘basics’.

Monday 3 October 2016

SA Education News

Department of Basic Education Spelling Bee South Africa

As part of the Integrated National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy: A Whole School Approach, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and as part of the Getting the Nation to Read Campaign, DBE in partnership with SABC Education, UNISA, AVBOB Foundation, Spell It SA and Camp I am and Soul Buddies hosted the National championships at Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Johannesburg on 10 October 2015. The DBE Spelling Bee South Africa (Spelling Bee) is aimed at improving learners’ performance in languages, especially in English.
The 2015 Spelling Bee season process started with schools responding to the call to register by filling in the attached registration form. All schools, were invited. The growth in the number of schools that enrolled for participation has grown tremendously.
Each province sent three champion spellers to represent it at the National championships mentioned above. Schools that emerged as the 2015 national champions in the Spelling Bee were: Greenfield Primary, Western Cape; Pioneer Primary, Gauteng; and Dikolobe Primary, Limpopo, respectively. However, the strength of the Spelling lies in every learner being given a chance to participate from the classroom level to the highest level possible in the competition, according to his/her capability.
Following this success, a call is hereby made for all schools to encourage learners to participate in the Spelling Bee once more in 2016. 
The procedure for participation in the 2016 Spelling Bee is to fill in the attached form which must be stamped by the school and faxed/sent through to the provincial coordinator of the Spelling Bee. Learners enrolled for home schooling are advised to request the Principal of the nearest school to stamp the form for them.
The contact details of Provincial Coordinators of the Spelling Bee are included in the table below. It will be appreciated if these forms can be submitted to DBE for auditing purposes after the closing date.
The Intermediate phase (Grade 4-6) is still the only category for the competition whose winners will proceed to the National championships. For the first time, a list of the Foundation Phase (Grade 1-3) will also be posted on the website. Schools are requested to encourage junior spellers to take part at this level. The Competition will be held only in English.
Upon receipt of the registration form, the relevant official in the province will organise a workshop to explain the rules of the competition as well as conduct elimination rounds up to the provincial level.
The DBE will receive the names of the provincial winners and host a Spelling Competition in October 2016 at a venue still to be confirmed.
The 2016 Spelling words for use by learners can be accessed on right of this page (Related Links) and also on the Thutong Portal under School Enrichment and Sport section. The participation rules will also be accessible on the same page.
The closing date for the competition will be on or before 31 May 2016.
For further enquiries, kindly contact Mr PJ Ngoepe: Sport and Enrichment on 012 357 3442, email, ngoepe.pj@dbe.gov.za.
All schools, including Special schools, are invited to enter. Participation in the programme is free.

SA Education News

Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Programme

The Kha Ri Gude Literacy Campaign is informed by the Constitution of South Africa, which states that “Everyone has the right to a basic education, including adult basic education (Chapter 2, Clause 29, 1a). According to Statistics SA (2001), there were
9.6 million illiterate adults in South Africa above the age of 15. Of these, 4.7 million, including people living with disabilities, were illiterate and innumerate in one of the 11 official languages.
The Kha Ri Gude Literacy Campaign was intended to reduce the national rate of illiteracy by 50% by 2015. This was in line with the government’s Education for All (EFA) commitment made in Dakar in 2000 as well as its commitment to achieve
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on poverty reduction, women’s empowerment, HIV and AIDS eradication, environmental protection, and sustainable democratisation and peace building.
The aim of Kha Ri Gude is to empower (skills development) socially disadvantaged people to become self-reliant and to be able to participate more effectively in the economy and society.
Kha Ri Gude reached 3.9 million illiterate adults at a cost of R2.97 billion between the programme’s inception in 2008/09 and 2014/15. The Department expects to reach the remainder of the targeted 4.7 million by 2016/17, after which the programme will be phased out.

SA Education News

EMIS - Education Management Information Systems

EMIS is a function and unit in the DBE with the responsibility to develop and maintain an integrated education information system for management of education.
The integrated infomation system is accomplished through acquisition, processing, dissemination and reporting of quality education data.
National EMIS contacts
Mr. Siza Shongwe - National EMIS Director
Tel: 012 357 3676 Email: shongwe.s@dbe.gov.za
Mr. Bheki Mpanza - National EMIS Officer
Tel: 012 357 3680 Email: mpanza.b@dbe.gov.za
EMIS Information Requests
  • National EMIS information requests
  • Provincial EMIS information requests
Information on different sectors of the education system may be requested (preferably by email) from the following members of the Department of Basic Education and the Directorate: Education Management Information System (EMIS):
Director: EMIS
Mr Siza Shongwe
Tel: 012 357 3676 | Fax: 012 323 0380

SA Education News

Health Promotion

Health Promotion aims to create a healthy school environment by promoting the general health and wellbeing of learners and educators, and by addressing key health and social barriers to learning in order to promote effective teaching and learning.

Strategic Objectives
  • To increase knowledge and awareness of health promoting behaviours.
  • To develop systems for the mainstreaming of care and support for teaching and learning; and
  • To increase sexual and reproductive health knowledge, skills and decision making among learners, educators and school support staff;
  • To facilitate early identification and treatment of health barriers to learning; and
  • To increase knowledge and awareness of health promoting behaviours.

Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention and Management Programme
The Department currently implements an alcohol and drug use prevention and management programme. The programme is integrated into the school curriculum via the Life Orientation/Life Skills subject area. This is supported by co-curricular activities implemented through Peer Education programmes. The programme adopts a public health approach and involves interventions to creating an enabling environment for policy implementation, prevention interventions, early detection and treatment, care and support. The thrust of interventions by the Department are on the prevention of alcohol and drug use. However, partnerships are set up with other government departments and non-governmental organizations to facilitate access to treatment, care and support where required.

Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) Programme
The Care and Support for Teaching Learning (CSTL) Programme is a Southern African Development Community (SADC) initiative that was adopted by Education Ministers in 2008. The goal of the CSTL Programme is to realise the educational rights of all children, including those who are most vulnerable, through schools becoming inclusive centres of learning, care and support. The CSTL Programme intends to prevent and mitigate factors that have a negative impact on the enrolment, retention, performance and progression of vulnerable learners in schools by addressing barriers to learning and teaching. South Africa is one of six countries (others are Swaziland, Zambia, Madagascar, Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique) implementing Phase 1 of the Programme between 2008 - 2015. In order to realize its goal, nine priority areas have been identified to address barriers to teaching and learning. These priority areas have been identified based on the policy and legislative mandate that the Department has to fulfil on care and support, as well as the most pressing needs in school communities. The priority areas are as follows: nutritional support health promotion infrastructure water and sanitation safety and protection social welfare services psychosocial support material support curriculum support co-curricular support.
HIV and AIDS Life Skills Education Programme
The HIV and AIDS Life Skills Education Programme finds its policy mandate from the National Policy on HIV and AIDS for Learners and Educators in Schools (1999). The programme was initiated in 2000 and is implemented in all public institutions with a focus on learners in Grades 1-12. The main objectives of the life skills programme are to integrate HIV and AIDS and relevant life skills into the school curriculum as a strategy to prevent and mitigate the spread of HIV infection, and to provide care and support for learners that are infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. In this regard, a cross-curricular approach has been adopted. The Life Skills and HIV and AIDS Education is primarily located in the Life Orientation learning area/subject with some aspects of the programme integrated into other learning area/subjects. The HIV and AIDS Life Skills Education Programme focuses on mainly curricular activities as per the following focal areas: Educators are trained to implement Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and TB programmes for learners through the curriculum Procurement and distribution of NCS and CAPS compliant LTSM on HIV and TB Co-curricular activities on SRH and TB Advocacy activities with learners, educators and schools communities on SRH and TB Care and support activities for learners and educators.
Integrated School Health Programme (ISHP)
The Departments of Basic Education and Health are jointly implementing the Integrated School Health Programme that will extend, over time, the coverage of school health services to all learners in primary and secondary schools. The programme offers a comprehensive and integrated package of services including sexual and reproductive health services for older learners. The Health Services Package for the ISHP includes a large component of health education for each of the four school phases (such as how to lead a healthy lifestyle and drug and substance abuse awareness), health screening (such as screening for vision, hearing, oral health and tuberculosis) and onsite services (such as deworming and immunization). During 2013/2014, the programme aims to reach 700 000 learners in grades 1 4, 8 and 10 in quintile 1 and 2 schools. Learners in Grade 4 in quintile 1 schools will receive health education. All learners repeating grades in quintile 1 and 2 schools will also receive health screening.
Peer Education Programme
Peer Education is used as a strategy to role model health promoting behaviour and to shift peer norms on HIV and AIDS and other health and social issues as a support to curriculum implementation.